Parago Server Upgrade

New features, progress reports and general accouncements will be posted here.

Moderator: Colin Nocetti

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Robin Patenall
Parago Software Staff
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:21 am
Location: Reading

Parago Server Upgrade

Post by Robin Patenall »

We have now completed the server upgrade. In addition, several software upgrades will be phased in over the next few weeks to further improve the speed.

You will note that we have changed the web addresses that you use to login and access the Parago system so that they are easier to remember and more obvious. To log in you should now go to rather than the old which will now redirect you.

If you have had to add or to your firewall's white list to allow for ParagoAgent or ParagoMobile, you may have to change these to and respectively, depending on the way your firewall works.

If you have any issues please do not hesitate to contact us at
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