Beta Release: Microsoft Windows Vista Improvements

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Chris Breen
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2007 2:51 pm

Beta Release: Microsoft Windows Vista Improvements

Post by Chris Breen »

This version has been released as a beta. Please provide any feedback you have during the next month. We hope to promote this release to a full version by the 1st October 2007.

Change summary
A number of customers reported an issue with ParagoAgent that causes the first upload to fail to be uploaded correctly preventing the Parago system from adding the new PC to the system. The issue resolves itself within a month and there is an easy work around but in some circumstances (such as Computers for Pupils) this is unacceptable. Improvements were also made in the compatibility with Microsoft Windows Vista and multi-proxy support was added to allow ParagoAgent to work better in a portable environment.

This is a Beta Release and it is not recommended to be used if your current installation is working.

This release fixes the detection of the different versions of Microsoft Windows Vista and Server 2008 (previously Longhorn) an issue with the initial upload to the Parago system and a number of minor stability issues. It is recommended that only customers that are having difficulties with the previous release upgrade at this time.

  • Issue with the misidentification of Microsoft Windows Vista versions
  • Issue with initial upload to the Parago website not appearing under some circumstances is fixed
  • Some data about network cards was occasionally not uploaded even when changed
  • Concurrency issue that caused a few random crashes under stress test was fixed (this is unlikely to have caused any issue in normal operation)
  • Better handling of uploads and upgrade requests when the Parago website is being upgraded
  • If upgrading through a proxy fails, ParagoAgent will now try to upgrade directly
  • Ability to restrict the valid sources of the machine identity to handle cases where the manufacturer has failed to set the required information
  • Multi-proxy support added
  • Required actions by the customer
  • Since this release does not fix any critical issues, add any significant features, and is still in testing it is a strongly recommended that customers not update to this version at this time unless they specifically need any of the changes
Customers running the automatic upgrading module should automatically get this release over the next couple of weeks if they have specifically switched to this release unless they are currently running a version prior to 2.03.

Customers who have not enabled the Automatic Upgrading module, or who are using the batched mode, must manually deploy this update. Users running versions prior to 2.03 will also need to deploy this update manually due to issues in the automatic upgrading module in those versions.

This release fixes a few small issue that affect releases before Mar 1st, 2007 and mainly on Laptops running Microsoft Vista. No features that are currently available have been added'. For these reasons there is more risk in deploying this update except in the circumstance that a guaranteed first install upload is required.

Further Reading
If you wish to use this beta release detailed instructions on how to do so are provided in the help section of the Parago website.
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