Have you upgraded to Parago Agent v2.5?

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Moderator: Colin Nocetti

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Posts: 20
Joined: Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:04 am

Have you upgraded to Parago Agent v2.5?

Post by Gareth »

Upgrade your Parago Agent version to gain the benefits from version 2.5!!

Please review your account and download this latest version to gain the latest benefits offered by Parago.

To upgrade follow these easy steps:
- Log in -
- Click on “Discover” -
- Click “Deploy ParagoAgent” -
- If you aren’t presented with a configuration screen immediately choose “Customize Configuration” -
- Attempt to match your previous configuration (Ensure you enter your proxy details in the Communications tab) -
- Click Save -
- Download the Agent and deploy as normal -

For more information contact the Parago support team via support@itvision.net or reply to this post.
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