Parago Updates

New features, progress reports and general accouncements will be posted here.

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Robin Patenall
Parago Software Staff
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:21 am
Location: Reading

Parago Updates

Post by Robin Patenall »

The Parago development team have just released a new update to the Parago system. As with previous updates, this does not require any user action and fixes a number of issues as well as introducing new features that will improve your ability to record and manage your assets effectively. Please take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with the changes to ensure that you get maximum benefit from your Parago subscription.

In addition to minor bug fixes and cosmetic changes, the main improvements are:

More software can be licence tracked:
- We have increased the number of software packages that are recognised by ParagoAgent to over 1000, most of which are tracked by the licence manager.

- Several asset variables have been added to the reporting system so that they can be displayed in reports.

- An issue with the stability of ParagoAgent on Windows 2000 was resolved.
- Improvements to the first upload from ParagoAgent were made which should solve the problems that some customers reported with a delay between installing the agent and the computer appearing in the Parago system.
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